Here’s what our participants are saying about STRIVE 2 Survive.
“The program helped me get back on track to reach achievable goals.”
“I’m very happy I attended your program and would recommend it.”
“STRIVE 2 Survive definately helped me, I was motivated and learned alot.”
“It was a very informative program!”
“I feel the program was comprehensive and helpful. I was already starting to make healthier choices but this was motivating to me and having the starting and ending numbers was nice to see what happens with my health too.”
“It helped me to realize little things like reading labels and what not. I just wanted to feel better about myself and what I ate and just get some pointers about how to change a few things in my life to achieve the little goals I have for myself.”
“I have highly recommended Strive 2 Survive to several people. I enjoyed this program very much! It definitely opened my eyes to a lot of things – especially nutrition.”
“As participants of Strive 2 Survive I would like to share a story with you. I know alot of people including myself think that if we change our eating habits & exercise we will lose weight and if/when that doesn’t happen we wonder why we even try and sometimes throw in the towel. However, recently my husband went into the clinic with tightness in his chest and because of his history of heart disease they decided to do an angiogram to make sure his current stents were not blocked again or that the arteries that had some previous blockage had not gotten worse. To our surprise we found out that infact blockage was not the cause and that the arteries actually showed less blockage than the previous angiogram taken 2 years ago proving that although you may not see the changes from the outside, you are making big changes inside! Thank you so much for the class, I’m sure it is helping make changes in many people.”
We love to share in our participant’s success! Below are a few of our most recent success stories from our 12 week programs!
Female Participant (Age 30-35): lost 19 lbs, improved her cholesterol by 45 points and triglycerides by 95 points, also lost 2 inches off her waist!
Female Participant (Age 50-55): lost 13 lbs (lost 42 lbs total over the last 6-8 months by working with Kelsey), lost 5.8% body weight, improved blood sugars and cholesterol, lost 2 inches off her waist!
Male Participant (Age 55-60): Lost 36.8 lbs, 10.75% of his body weight, improved total cholesterol by 10 pts (was already in a normal range), triglycerides by 65 points, dropped blood pressure into normal range from hypertension range, lost 3 inches on his waist, and reduction in his body fat percent and fat mass!
Female Participant (Age 35-40): Lost 21 lbs, 12% of her body weight, improved her total cholesterol by 66 points, LDL cholesterol by 61 points, blood pressure to a more normal range, dropped 3 ½ inches off her waist and her BMI into the healthy weight category from overweight, along with greatly improving her body fat percent and fat mass!
Female Participant (Age 60-65): lost 3 lbs, but improved her cholesterol by 50 points and dropped her LDL by 40 points!
Male Participant (Age 65-70): lost 10 lbs, improved his total cholesterol and LDL by 25 points, dropped sugars 20 points and went from prediabetic to under the range, and lost 2 ½ inches on his waist!