It’s hard to believe school will be starting again in about 6 weeks! It can be a difficult transition for kids on many different levels. One of the hardest aspects of going back to school is getting up in the morning. With young kids getting out of bed can be hard and getting them into the car to get to school on time is even harder. However, just because you might be short on time it is essential that kids get a healthy and nutritious breakfast. When kids eat breakfast in the morning it is setting them up for success throughout the rest of the school day. With their little tummies full they will be able to focus on learning and have the energy to get through until lunch. Here are some simple ideas that are quick for those morning when you are running late to ensure you set your kids up for success. Getting back into the habit of a healthy breakfast is a good habit to get back to now, to help the transition to school go better!
Piece of toast with peanut butter and milk
Low-fat yogurt with some fresh or dried fruit or granola
Apple slices and peanut butter
Cheese stick and cup of fresh fruit or 100% fruit juice
Oatmeal with nuts or fruit
Fiber rich cereal and milk
Granola bar with dried fruit or nuts in it
Nutrition shake such as Pediasure, Boost Kids Essentials, or Carnation Instant Breakfast