I was riding the stationary bike Saturday morning, listening to music, and a song came on: “Meant to be”…I lost count how many times I listened to it. It kind of opened my eyes. I have not been running for 3 weeks due to injury, feeling sorry for myself, crabby, bored…and then this came on. And during this song, it kept repeating the same line: “if it was meant to be, it’ll be…”; and also, “See where this thing goes!”. It made me start to think about not being able to run, and the fact that I can still do something else…biking and swimming! It made me realize that I maybe not be able to run, but I don’t have some life threatening illness. I can still exercise. I am learning new things. And as far as swimming, this was probably the only thing that was going to force me to get to the pool otherwise. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise. At any rate, I kind felt a lot of pressure come off my shoulders yesterday, and put everything in perspective. Time to quit bitching about the fact that I can’t run, and take the opportunity for what it is…a chance to take on a new adventure. I can’t go running with Sarah, which will still be tough, but we are both exercising, we both have our health otherwise. Those times running together again later will just be that much better. It is just like the saying…”absence makes the heart grow fonder”. I will be looking forward to those days again even more!
Sarah got me this bike a year ago for Christmas. I am really getting to use it now! Ride while watching TV, or listening to music. The monitor screen even has scenic tours across the country, so it feels like you are actually riding your bike in different parts of the country! I had it set on the track session today to see how many loops around the track I made.
Here it is at the start…
And this is where it is at the end! An hour later…an hour of getting to think about my situation, and overall, it really is not that bad. At least not as bad as I thought! If it was meant to be, it’ll be! Make the most out of every situation instead of just dwelling on the negatives. I admit, I have been crabby for 3 weeks…just because I can’t run. What about those people who can never run? The people who have been raising money for charity with Team FARA for the last couple of years! I have got nothing to complain about. My situation will eventually improve. I need to appreciate this time for what it is, and take advantage of gaining new experiences. Maybe, just maybe, I will come to like swimming some day! (Choke, choke, gasp…sigh!) Who knows. I don’t like it now because I am terrible at it. The only way I am going to get better at it is by continuing to try, and I know without a doubt that if it was not for being hurt, and not able to run, I would not be at that pool as much! Guaranteed! So maybe it truly was meant to be! See where things go from here!!!!!
The endurance for the swimming is not there yet. But, I am learning something every single time I get in the pool. Mark and Jason both are great for giving tips…all of which are welcome. Jason has sent numerous videos as well on what to work on, how to breathe, the timing…all of it. Something clicks every time. I have at least passed the first obstacle on not dreading going to the pool so much as I did when I started. You would have thought I getting to line up in front of a firing squad at the beginning! Fear does a lot of things. Fear of the unknown. Fear about getting out of your comfort zone. Fear of taking on new challenges. I am learning you need to face those fears head on, or they will just stay in your head as fears. Always afraid because you never really gave it a try. That is what it is in general for anybody starting out to exercise…exercise of any kind. You have to get in a routine. It has to start to become natural. It has to become like running already has for me…something I love to do and don’t have to think about doing. Running gives me the time to think of everything else in life, and to get my problems solved. I don’t like it when I have to think too much, like I am with swimming now. “See where this thing goes…”
This picture is hanging up in my exercise room. It is there for a reason, and I need to start paying attention to it again. Success…A journey, not a destination! All of these things, activities, adventures are a journey leading to success. It is an ongoing forever journey. Nothing related to this while we are here should ever be a final destination. We always have something to learn and experience. Take it for what it is. Learn something new. Get out of your comfort zone. And when all is said and done, more likely than not, it was meant to be! Positive attitude going forward. I am done complaining about swimming. Have fun with it, and learn something. This may just open up the door for me to do other triathlons, and not just the one here…going along the shoreline. I will actually be able to swim in them! See where this ride goes!!!! Keep moving everybody, and see how it was actually meant to be!
Dr. Dan
Consecutive Exercise Day #: 4099