
A Running Doc’s Life: Beach Therapy–I Needed Some Vitamin Sea!

It was time for a break from the cold, and just get somewhere warm, listen to an ocean, and relax!

Sarah and I spent the last week in Jamaica taking in all of the sun, sand, and sea! A great escape, and a great time. For all of us, vacations are necessities, not luxuries. Nothing clears your mind more than such sitting back, relaxing, listening to the ocean, and reading for fun! For Fun! Taking walks along the beach was also very relaxing…

Just closing your eyes and listening…listening to the waves crash along shore, and just losing yourself in your own thoughts. Time to relax, time to forget all of the pressures of work, and just do nothing! I hate taking a vacation, and doing a lot of things, and then feeling like I need a vacation when I get back. All I wanted to do was get out of the cold, sit and relax, and just take it easy! No plans. No agenda. We just did what we wanted. Read, relaxed, ate…repeat.

We were gone a week, but the time just flew. It is amazing how relaxing watching the ocean can be, and also, just listening to it. I guess I did not realize how tired I really was! Here are some of the views we got to see everyday.

We all need a time to get away, to forget all of the pressures we have with everyday life, and just lose ourselves, and leave all of our worries behind. No pressures. No deadlines. No life or death situations. Nothing works better for getting your battery charged up, and get ready to come back and take on the world again.

This was one of my views for part of the vacation. Peace and quiet! We all need that “escape from reality” at times. To clear our head, spend time with someone close to you, and take it easy. Vacation! This next quote pretty much sums it up!

Don’t forget to take some time for a vacation. Even though it is a time to relax, it does not mean you still can’t find ways to exercise, and continue working on being healthy. Next week I will show you what we did to keep active as well. Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3805

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