
Lighted Parade in Watertown

Here is our Brown Clinic float for the Lighted Parade here following Thanksgiving.  Very cold out, but the wind had gone way down.  It was nice to get out and walk, and was much easier to stay warm moving.  All in all, it was a good turn out again this year.  Our theme this year was “Have a yabba-dabba-do Christmas” with the Flinstones characters.  The Flinstones car is sitting in the trailer here.

Here we are.  Pebbles, Bam Bam, Wilma, Betty, and Fred.  Our float won for “Most Original”.  It was a scramble to get set before the judging.  Our generator went out when we pulled up in line, and we had to go find someone with another one, but got it set up in time.  It is always a good time to start off following Thanksgiving.

Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #:  1784

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