
Fill your Weekend full of FUN at the Women’s Escape!







I’m getting very excited about my weekend plans and I can’t resist sharing them with you! This Saturday, the Watertown Chamber of Commerce is hosting the annual Women’s Escape. It’s a wonderful event with over 100 vendors and various speakers all geared towards women. I will be speaking at 9:15am about healthy holiday eating and ways to make it through the holidays without packing on the extra pounds. I have enjoyed going to this event every year and am thrilled to be a speaker this year! I invite you to come join us at the Watertown Extension Complex starting at 9am. Tickets are $5 and you can find more information about the event at

I usually host a booth at this event to promote our clinic wellness programs and always enjoy visiting with many of our patients and STRIVE 2 Survive participants…but this year I won’t be hosting a both, so be sure to come watch my talk! I will be heading down to Brookings after my talk to support my favorite team the SDSU Jackrabbits as they take on their old rivalry the USD Coyotes.  The rivalry runs strong in my own family as my parents and brother and his wife are Coyotes, whereas Adam and myself are Jacks. Family gatherings can never occur without a Jackrabbit/Coyote joke or comment! I’m looking forward to the fun and festivities as this rivalry is re-ignited! I wish you all a great weekend…be sure to come visit me at the Women’s Escape and…. GO JACKS!


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