
Weather or Not!

Autumn is upon us, and while we get to see all of the color changes appear, we also have to start getting ready for the weather changes, and for the cold to start approaching.  This week has given up a taste of the cold that will be coming again. This is where you need to focus on the scenery around us, and take advantage of the good days, the warm times when they do arrive, and get outside, and see things such as this.

Scenes such as this make it easy to get lost in your thoughts, and not even realize you are out exercising.  Take it all in.  This is a great time to relax, think, and get activity into the day.

So, “whether or not” you think you have time, take advantage while it is still relatively nice, and get outside, and enjoy the Autumn season.  Sooner or later, the weather will dictate what we will be able to do outside, and “weather or not” we will be out, or do exercise and activities inside.  I will always be an outdoor person.  It is much easier to get outside and exercise, than to be “cooped” up inside.  So everybody, get out while the going is good, and take advantage of it.  Enjoy the view!  There really is a lot to see here!

Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day:  1837

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