
A Running Doc’s Life: What are you Thankful for?

With Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday, it is time to think about what you are thankful for. We get in a rush, we are all busy, but sometimes you need to slow down and be thankful for what you have. Point #1: I am starting off my first picture with my grandson Connor.

I love my kids, but this grandchild thing is such a cool gig! I will get to see him later this week and can’t wait. Like I tell my kids, grandkids are like potato chips…you can’t have just one. I can’t wait for more, and I will treat them all the same way!!

#2–my Sarah. Where do I start with her? She is my everything. I would be totally lost without her.

We have been married now for 32 years, and it just keeps getting better. All the adventures we have had together. Running, traveling, working, raising kids, and on and on and on! You are the best!

I can’t wait for the next adventure! Because of you, I am thankful for my point #3: my kids!

You guys are all grown up, but that does not mean I still don’t worry about you. Years ago, Dr. Tracy told me that when your kids are little, the problems are little. When they get big, the problems get bigger. How true! Just know that I am always there for all of you to help where I can. We are a family!

We still always have a lot of new adventures to do, and projects to work on, and life to spend together. We need to take advantage of them all for as long as possible. Bring it on!

#4: My running family! Where do I begin with them. I have had so many different running partners over the years. You have all meant a lot to me. We go through runs together, which helps go through life together. Tom Beaudry and Steve Hauck especially. We have logged many a mile in with our marathon training over the years. But once again, it may have been the running that brought us together, but it was the conversations on those run that meant everything. Those times will always be special memories. All of the new people in our run group…the same thing is developing with them. Always an adventure, and always something to learn from somebody else!

To Jill and Paula…the trail run at the end of October was a ton of fun! I don’t get to see Paula as much now that she is living in Sioux Falls, so it made this run even more special. Run on guys! Always a friend whenever you need someone!

#5: My health. It is safe to say I am not where I want to be after my health issue in the past (coming up on 4 years in March). I am still trying to stay motivated to keep going. I am trying to find new things to do besides just running. Running is still my passion, but I am finding a lot of fun in other types of exercise as well. The reason I need to keep working on my health is so that I keep can appreciating all of the other reasons I have listed above. We all need to keep working on our health to keep making memories with those people close to us.

#6: Appreciating nature. This is a direct tie into reason #5. Since my health issues, I have grown to appreciate the beauty of nature more and more. “Taking the time to smell the roses!” I truly did not take advantage of what was in front of me before. It is too bad it had a take a major life altering event to change. I guess I used being too busy as an excuse. I love the line from one of my favorite movies, “Shawshank Redemption”: “Get busy living, or get busy dying!”

So many similarities, yet all so different. I love my time when I can go take pictures. It just lets me unwind and relax, and take it all in. I have truly come to appreciate these times more and more!

#7: Work, and the people I work with. I have been at Brown Clinic now going on 29 years. My nurse Chris has been with me the whole time. She opted not to retire and keep working with me, even after working there for 45 years! My partners and I over the years have gone through many changes navigating medicine over the years. Those people have all created special memories for a lifetime.

These are some of my things to be thankful for this coming Thanksgiving. What are yours? Are you too busy to appreciate those things that mean the most to you? Slow down and take the time. Time goes way too fast already. My mom is going to turn 89 shortly after Thanksgiving. We are all planning to go to SF to celebrate with her. She is so excited as well!

Happy early birthday mom! So, what are you waiting for? What are you thankful for?

Spread your wings and be adventurous. Take a chance. Be bold. Be appreciative. Be thankful for what you have!! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1330

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