
A Running Doc’s Life: What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy? We all have things we enjoy. We all have some hobbies. But what is it really that makes you happy? Once you have this figured out, then do you spend time actually doing those things that make you happy? Now is as good of time as any to start. These are some of the things that I enjoy doing. First, spending time with my grandson Connor! It is always so much fun listening to him laugh and watching him grow. I loved having kids, but with so much time spent with work, I did not always get to do as much as I would have liked to do then. I get to start making up for that with Connor!

Exercising, and especially running, makes me happy. Whether I am alone, with Sarah, or with my run club group, there are always opportunities to have fun. Sundays especially are always a good end of the week or beginning of the week depending on how you look at it! Sarah and I met by running, and our days consisted first of meeting to go for a run. How could it not be a major part of my life?

I just got to do my first trail run a few weeks ago. Jill, Paula, and I ran together the whole way. It was not about racing. It was about running, and taking in the scenery, and talking! That is what we do each week. The important thing is to just get out and move.

Of course, being a doctor makes me happy. I have the opportunity to help people each day. Sometimes though I have to help myself. For almost 4 years now, I have really gotten into photography, especially the sunrise and sunsets. I can’t believe all these previous years what I have been missing out on, or at least not paying attention to. My areas of where I go to take pictures is limited, but there is always a different way to look at it. It has also opened up my eyes to those different ways, not only here, but when I happen to travel somewhere else.

It is easy to go forget things for a while when I am out taking pictures. So, what is it that makes you happy? And then I will ask again, are you doing those things then? If not, what is it you are waiting for?

I just found this the other day, and I love it! It really makes my point. As long as you enjoy it, then no one else’s opinion should matter! If you happen to be at a point in your life where you are not sure what makes you happy, then take a step back, and really take the time to think about it. We are all here for a short time to begin with, so don’t waste any of those moments. We all have a purpose in our life, and it is up to us to live that purpose to the fullest. We all are going to have our ups and downs! Is that not why life is like being on a roller coaster? Be happy! Make a difference to those around you. Do what makes you happy! And remember, no one else’s opinion should matter! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1323

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