
A Running Doc’s Life: What a Great Weekend!

I did not have a chance to blog last weekend as we were gone to Minneapolis. What a great weekend though. I got to spend the whole weekend with family. We all started out early Saturday morning doing the Halloween Run. My son Nick works for Minnesota Run Company, and we went to do one of their races. He had to work that weekend, but the rest of us dressed up as Star Wars characters. I was Chewbacca, and my grandson Connor was baby Yoda!

“Baby Yoda did really well for his first Halloween Run!

He earned his medal and was showing it off afterwards.

On the way back to the car though, “Baby Yoda” crashed! He was tired after his 5k! I really did not care about the race afterwards, I got to hold Connor and be grandpa! The day started out great.

Then Sunday morning, we all went to Nick’s apartment to get ready to go to the Vikings game. He lives 2 blocks from US Bank Stadium. Sarah stayed back and got to be grandma for Connor. We went to enjoy some of the outdoor activities prior to the game.

We got to pose for lots of pictures!

Including pictures with the Vikings Cheerleaders! SKOL!!!

Nick and I have tried to make a tradition of hitting a Vikings game once a year. We missed the last 2 years due to COVID, so hopefully we can keep this going again. The rest of the kids had a great time too!

We had great seats, and a good view of the game.

It turned out to be a great weekend, and one for the memory books. The weather was great, and everybody could make it. And the Vikings won too!!

It was a perfect finish to the weekend in more ways than one. You need to make sure you make some quality time with your family. Make memories. It does not matter what you do, or where you go, just do something! Of course, as part of the Reiffenberger family, it automatically involved a run. Another tradition we hope to keep going. We got to be Mom and Dad this weekend, as well as Grandpa and Grandma. It really does not get any better than this! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1316

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