
A Running Doc’s Life: Grandparent Weekend!

We got to spend the last 3 days with our grandson Connor, who turned one last month. What a great weekend. The kid just makes you bust out laughing all of the time. That chocolate chip cookie all over his face was the greatest thing! He is now on the move as well! We went walking with him, running with him, and took him to the Zoo on Friday.

We had to stop several times so he could stretch! He must have been getting a cramp sitting there! (Ha!) The Zoo was great! He was chatting it up the whole time we were there.

The stroller definitely got a workout this weekend running too. It must have worn him out too with all that sitting, because he had some great naps, and slept all night each night too! Now that really is a good kid!

Of course, Dakota was right there with us all of the time too. The family that runs together, stays together!

It was a great weekend! Laughing, playing, and spending time together. I can’t believe how fast he is growing. It was a great grandparent weekend, and hopefully there will be lots more. He recognizes us right away too. I want my grandkids to know who we are. They are going to have fun with us as they grow up. We want to be around for a long time so we can spend lots of time with them. Stay healthy and keep moving. Those grandkids want to spend time with us! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1226

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