With the New Year and focus on wellness, we’ve had some questions and interest in our next session of STRIVE 2 Survive so we thought it was timely to let you all know our next session starts March 12th!! For those wanting to learn more about our 12 week wellness program, check out the details below and contact us today to get your spot reserved for the spring session! If you want to work on your New Year’s wellness goals now, I would be happy to see you individually in the clinic and work out an individualized plan for you! Insurance does cover this visit in the primary care setting. To set up an appointment, you can call 886-8482 and select scheduling or email me at strive2survive@brownclinic.org.
STRIVE 2 Survive:
Over 20 years ago Dr. Dan Reiffenberger wrote a grant for the American College of Sports Medicine about the development of a fitness program entitled STRIVE to Survive. The STRIVE represents “Securing Time for Regular Involvement in a Variety of Exercise”. Since that time, it has become our Brown Clinic Wellness Program, with modifications and improvements along the way. It is a 12 week program incorporating exercise and nutrition, with the goal of continuing these types of habits for a lifetime. Our dietitian Kelsey Raml has helped incorporate the nutrition component and Dr. Clark Likness, Dr. Jon McAreavey, and Deidra Van Gilder, PharmD are also involved creating a multi-disciplinary approach to health and wellness.
We the 12 week program periodically throughout the year. During the 12 weeks, we meet every other Tuesday at the Park and Rec Fieldhouse from 5:30-6:30pm. During the weeks we don’t meet, each participant gets a take home lesson focused on our two main components: diet and exercise. The meetings are held in a group atmosphere, but we can also work with you individually in the clinic if desired.
12 Weeks to a Better You!
Brown’s Diet and Exercise Wellness Program.
– The Strive2Survive Wellness Program is open to everyone, young and old.
– Conducted by Dr. Dan Reiffenberger, Board Certified in both Family Medicine and Sports Medicine and Registered Dietitian Kelsey Raml.
– Lose Weight- Gain Strength – Maintain Fitness- Improve Diet.
– Evaluations: lab work- lipid and glucose, body composition testing-weight, height, BMI, body fat mass and percent, muscle mass…all pre and post the 12 week program.
– Free T-shirt
– 6 class lectures and 6 take home lessons.
– Park & Rec Fieldhouse
March 12: “Healthy Eating Made Easy” Kelsey Raml, MS, RD, LN
March 26: “Exercise for the Health of It” Dr. Dan Reiffenberger & Dr. Eric Woolley
April 9: “Your Equation to Success” Dr. Jon McAreavey
April 23: “A Walk thru the Wellness Wheel” Dr. Clark Likness
May 7: “Medications…to do or not to do” Deidra VanGilder, PharmD
May 21: “Making Health a Way of Life” STRIVE Team
– $130
Call, e-mail or use the contact form for more information.
Kelsey Raml, MS, RD, LN