
A Running Doc’s Life: Hustle for Halloween!

The annual Halloween Hustle put on by the Prairie Lakes Hospital Wellness Center took place on Saturday morning. Costumes are encouraged for this event, so it is a great way to truly go out and just have fun while getting some exercise. You could run or walk, and the distance was at most a 5K, 3.1 miles. We had several characters out there: Batman for me; Super Girl for Sarah; Buzz Lightyear for Jason; and the McElroy clan was Sleeping Beauty and 3 good fairies!

We had great weather, and the sun was shining. It was a great time to get out and either run, or walk. Who says you can’t have fun, and still exercise? The kids loved it, but so did the adults! They gave prizes away for the top male and female finishes in each category, but the main point of this one was to see you could be the most creative with their costumes…and still be able to run or walk in them. Try it next year. It is a great way to get some activity. Bring out that inner “child” in you for all you adults. And for the kids, well…just be yourself…just get your parents out there with you. It truly can be a family event. What are you waiting for? Keep moving everybody! And have fun along the way!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 4049

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