
A Running Doc’s Life: Good Days and Bad Days

It takes a lot of work, and continued determination to get out there every day, or at least most days of the week, and exercise. There are definitely some days that are easier than others, and then other days, you wonder how you ever got it done. Thankfully, those really tough days are less than the good days. The same goes for the weather conditions. Some days are good, some days are bad! You need to pick and choose, and may need to alter what your initial plan was, or where you were planning to exercise, but it does not need to be avoided. Just altered!

Some days start out sunny, and then we get caught in the rain. Or even other days, it is raining from the start. I don’t mind a light rain, but not heavy rain. We certainly should not be outside exercising if it is lightening out. You make the best of it, and try to keep smiling. Think of it as a new adventure. Most people are not going to be tough enough to go exercise under adverse conditions. These moments only strengthen your drive, your determination…your passion!

There is always a bright side. Is it always easy to see? No! Do you have to work at trying to find it sometimes? Yes! It is there…just keep looking.

Your attitude is the driving force. This picture is a good example. We are outside running, and some of us had gotten done already, and waiting for the rest of our group to get in. Here comes Jill, Patricia, and Amanda, running together in the rain, smiling and laughing! They were making the most of that particular situation. Either find the good in it, and enjoy, and be continuously miserable, and wallow in our own self pity. You decide. Your attitude decides!

Here we were out running on of our Wednesday evening runs, and the rain quit, and out came the rainbow. Talk about a boost of motivation with this. We were following the rainbow, and looking to have a good run. Look for the good in everything. I know, there are days when you wonder how. We all have stress in our lives, deadlines, pressures, stress…but again, our attitude decides on how we will handle it. Will we handle it, or will it handle us? Some days it can go both ways. We are still human. We make mistakes. We get angry, frustrated, and depressed. You keep pushing. You keep working. You keep striving. Never give up! There will be good days and bad days, but we decide which days are what.

Sometimes the calm after a storm allows us to reflect on this. We then can see better with those reflections on how things really are. Yes, there are demands, but if you concentrate, take it on full force, you can get through them. Just like exercise. Take if on full force, and you will get through them, and you will be able to reap the rewards that come with it. Confidence! Stamina! Stress Relief! Courage! Fortitude! All of these then can contribute to our passion in life. We need to find our passion, and to live our life. By finding our passion we can then feel good at the end of the day, and also look forward to the next day.

You need to work at it. You need to want it. You have to earn it! It is there just waiting for us to take on. Be determined! What is your purpose in this life? What are your desires? Only you can answer that. We all have a passion. Now go get it! Take it on, and don’t hold back. And remember, there will be good days, and bad days…but the good days will far outweigh the bad! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3945

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