Don’t you wish sometimes that you knew everything? Or at least knew more than you do? One thing is for sure, there will always be questions you will be seeking answers for. When you are working on your health, or trying to figuring out more how to take care of your health, there should never be a shortage of things to learn. If you are serious about your health, you should always be striving to learn more as well. There are many questions to ask: Who, what, where, how, and the ever important why?
Many questions, with many answers. All of which can lead to power…power for you as individuals, power to take on more things in your life that you like to do…power to enjoy life to its fullest! In order to gain this power, you have to have input.
You will continue to collect data throughout your life, and with life’s experiences. You then use all of this information in ways that will lead to gaining more knowledge, both in good ways, and bad ways. How you utilize all of this knowledge is what will lead to wisdom! Wisdom is powerful, and each of us can use it to our own advantage as well. We gather all of this date, information, and knowledge through our interactions, and the people we surround ourselves with.
When is comes to exercise, we learn from what others have done, both what works, and what does not work. Our friends and training partners are great sources of this knowledge, and we can all learn from each other. What we learn from each other is experience…and experience is wisdom!
How we choose to use this experience can influence others who want to do the same thing, such as how to get started exercising, or how to stay exercising; how to do better with our diets; how to finish/compete in a marathon!
The amount of things to learn in this world, in our lifetime, is limitless. We will never know everything. There will always be something that somebody else knows more on, and that is what makes this so special…we can all learn from each other. We should all learn from each other. We all have our own unique lives, unique stories, unique experiences. The old saying, “the more you know, the more you know you don’t know”! How true is this? Use those training partners, friends to your advantage. We all have wisdom in different things. But, there is one thing more important yet before this can be shared.
If we do not know ourselves, we will not get very far! Only we as individuals can know ourselves better than anybody else. And then once you know yourselves, then…
…you can put it into practice. Then, it can become of value. Value not only to yourself, but to others. We always had a saying in medical school as well when it came to doing a procedure, or something new: See one, do one, teach one. You have to see something first in order to try and do it, and once you do it, then how do you teach it? If you can teach it, then you are very knowledgeable to that subject, and can help spread that knowledge on to others. That is how you become a better you…passing on that knowledge to someone else. Next week I will be talking about teaching, and how this can help you become a better you! Keep moving everybody!
Dr. Dan
Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3425