We all have things we would like to accomplish. We all have ways that we think will help to get there. But, one of our main obstacles is our own mind. We start doubting ourselves, we think we can’t do it…we are afraid. Each of us needs to find our inner courage to be able to accomplish those things we want in our lives. It always helps to have the support of family and friends to help get there as well.
Get past our fears, and start looking at the positives that can come out of it. We will have more strength, energy, and overall live a more happy life because we are getting past our fears, and living our dreams. We have to think of all of the obstacles that we may encounter, and what we may need to do to get past that, or come up with an alternative instead.
When we live in South Dakota, weather is always a factor. If we did not get out to exercise because of the cold, we would miss 6 months of the year! Now, whether we are outside in extreme conditions or not, we need to come up with alternatives that would work that we could still exercise, and keep moving. Anything inside…a stationary bike, a treadmill, a soft mat or carpet to do body weight exercise, and even lifting weights in general.
I found out for myself that I had to work at it continuously when it came to working out with weights. I was out of my element. After I got going on it, I found it to be very enjoyable, and it also helped work on other areas that running, walking, or biking did not utilize. You definitely get sore in areas you did not know you even had doing this. But, that is always what keeps things more interesting…you get to experience and do different things that you normally would not have done.
But again, in order to accomplish this, you have to get past your fears, find your inner courage, and get creative. Do different things. You never know, you may come across something with exercise that you really enjoy, and that would work into your schedule, and…have fun with! Finding that courage though is the challenge.
Get past your own mind as the obstacle. If you can dream it, you can do it. There are always problems that come up, but there are always solutions! You just have to keep working on the solutions until you find the right one! Once you do this, your life opens up, and allows you to experience a whole different world. It allows you to become better!
If we did not have dreams, life would be pretty boring. All of us want to have a better life, a more fulfilled life, but we may not always want to put in the effort or work to accomplish it. More often though, we are afraid to try, afraid of what somebody else may think or say, so we quit. Don’t ever let anybody else dictate what should or should not be with your own life! You are in the drivers seat…you are the one this is about. Dream, and dream big! Then, have the courage to keep going, and working, and adjusting, and adapting, and then…enjoying you! Find the courage that will make you…a better you! Keep moving everybody!
Dr. Dan
Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3418