Ever have that moment when you would like to accomplish something, and those thoughts in your head start getting in the way, trying to convince you that it can’t be done? I think we have all had those at one time or another, but we need to look past that. We need to quit listening to all of the negativity that our mind will try to produce, and only think of the positive. Here my nurse Chris, and former nurse Susan, just completed their first half marathon. I have written on them in the past. These are 2 people that if I would have told them 10 years ago they were going to run a half marathon, they would have told me I needed medication. They worked hard, they worked and supported each other, and accomplished what they set out to do! They just had to convince themselves that it could be done.
If you can imagine, and then believe, you will achieve! If you convince yourself of this, you are half way there. We tend to be our own worst obstacles when it comes to exercise, and not believing that we can do something. We can! You have to have the belief first, and then keep working on it, and believe it with all your heart.
Sarah and I both try to practice what we preach. We tell our patients all of the time that they have to work on their diet, and exercise. My line is “I am going to keep telling you this until you are not here anymore”! We need to keep working on this for as long as we are alive. Maybe, it will help us stay alive longer too. Life becomes much more fulfilling, adventurous, and rewarding when we do this as well. We have also tried to instill this upon our kids as well. Megan is the swimmer…I still am not sure how she got this, because neither one of us really like to swim. Molly and Nick both run…that they got from us! We can have our fun competition as well.
We can show how tough we are before the race! But what was even funner for me?
Crossing the finish line with one of them! Here I am finishing one of the runs with Molly. Sarah and I are planning on going to Disney again next January. Sarah wants to do the half, I will do the marathon. Megan, my swimmer, says she wants to come along and run the half! I am going to make a runner out of her yet. When she was home over Christmas break, she ran a few times with us at run club. I loved that! We are rubbing off on our kids!
No truer words have been spoken! Never give up on yourself. You have no idea what you can accomplish yet. When that day comes, and we are no longer here, we want to be able to say I did all I could, and lived my life to the fullest. No regrets!
I will summarize with this quote by Mark Victor Hansen.
Believe, and good things will happen! Believe that the greatest gift you can give your family, and the world…is a healthy you! Keep moving everybody!
Dr. Dan
Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3404