Well, the weather keeps changing, but we don’t have snow staying yet. Yesterday was at least relatively warm, but foggy and rainy. Then the wind came up, and now is very cold. All in all, this just makes it tough to stay motivated to exercise. You just have to realize the time we may be able to spend outside gets more limited, but we have other alternatives. We can do exercise indoors, whether we have our own equipment, belong to an exercise facility, or go walking in the mall. I know I just feel better when I can still exercise, but there is nothing like being outside when it is nice. I have to keep coming up with other things for me, or at least reminding myself, why I keep exercising. I have to continuously focus on this, or it would be too easy to just say “forget it”, and “I don’t feel like it”. I feel worse if I don’t do it.
So, as hard as it may be to do, you have to keep reminding yourself of the positives with all of this. Yesterday, Steve and I went outside for a long run. Yes, it was foggy, rainy on and off, BUT…it was relatively warm, and essentially no wind. It was a very relaxing run. Felt very good, and felt even better after we were done. Sometimes you may have to dig down deep, but keep looking for those positives. I think this will be a good time to start to refocus on motivation aspects to help get us heading into winter, and to keep going. I am no different than all the rest of you. I have to keep myself motivated as well. Keep your chin up, keep looking ahead, and keep moving everybody.
Dr. Dan
Consecutive Exercise Day #: 1872