
November: Diabetes Month







Today, November 1st, marks the first day of the American Diabetes Month. November is a time to bring awareness about the disease and promote healthy living, in efforts to decrease risk for this disease. Statistics show that nearly 26 million children and adults in the U.S. have diabetes and another 79 million have prediabetes. The estimated cost to care for those diagnosed with diabetes in the U.S. is about $174 billion ( Diabetes is a disease that can be fairly well controlled by proper diet, activity, and med management.  If not managed appropriately, diabetes can have serious long term side effects such as blindness, leg and foot amputations, kidney disease, and even death.

Your providers at the Brown Clinic provide you with a top-notch multidisciplinary team to give you the best care for treating diabetes and prediabetes. Care always starts with your primary provider (MD, CNP, PA) to help you create the best plan of treatment. Your provider may then refer you to other disciplines for specialized help such as myself for nutrition therapy, Deidra Van Gilder, PharmD for medication and insulin management, and Dr. Johnson and Dr. Torness for your foot care needs.

If you have prediabetes or diabetes and you see me for nutrition therapy, we will review your diet and discuss ways to improve it to help improve your blood sugars. We may also discuss carb counting/exchanges, portion sizes, label reading, plate method, weight management strategies, and ways to be more active. I also provide education on diabetes self care and glucometer use. Sometimes all of these topics can be confusing and you aren’t sure what to believe when you read about it online, thus a Registered Dietitian, like myself can help you create a plan to fit your needs and your lifestyle and help you learn and understand what is best for you and your needs.  If light of Diabetes Month, we encourage you to put you and your health first and learn more about ways to prevent and manage diabetes. If you would like to learn more about our services, be sure to contact us today!




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