Everyday, a lot of us make a comment that we wish there were more time in the day. More time to do the things we want, or just more time to get the things done that we think need to get done. We have to make priorities all of the time, and those things that are more important need to work there way to the top of the list. At the top of that list should also be our health. We need to make the time to be active, exercise, and allow us to be healthy to do those things in our lives that our important. Those things in life for all of us begins with our families.
Here I am, very proud of my daughter Megan, at her formal TUCKS dance a few weeks ago. My girls are growing up, and I have had the pleasure of being a part of their lives. Of course, she is only one.
Here I am with Molly, just as proud of her that night as well. This is why I exercise every day. This is why I try to be active and remain healthy. I want to be a part of their lives for a long time. I don’t want to imagine what it would be like for them if I were not here.
Staying active has always been a part of this family. Megan is a year round swimmer, and Molly is on the Cross Country and Track teams. Sarah and I have set the tone, and they have taken off with it. You can say all kinds of things, lots of words of encouragement, cheering them on. But you set the tone by leading by example. They have seen us for years exercising, and it now becomes natural. Don’t lose out on this opportunity to do this for your kids/grandkids. It is only too late when you are no longer here. Enjoy your life better, and be around for their life longer as well. In the end, you will all have something to appreciate more, and be thankful for.
Keep moving everybody!
Dr. Dan
Consecutive Exercise Day #: 1853