
Healthy Fall Soups & Stews






As the weather starts changing and it gets colder out, we tend to change our pattern of eating to more soups, stews, and casseroles. These selections are a great way to pack a variety of nutrients into one dish.  In addition, they can be very cost effective due to the excess garden produce present in our grocery stores and farmer’s market lately. Here are a few nutrition tips to consider when you’re prepping your favorite meal:

  • When using store bought broths or soup mixes such as cream of chicken, choose the low-sodium or reduced fat varieties.
  • Use herbs and spices to season rather than salt.
  • Add more vegetables and lean meat to the recipe to give you more nutrition.
  • Thicken with pureed beans, potatoes, or vegetables.
  • Sprinkle your soups or stews with low fat cheese for added flavor and nutrients, without too many calories.
  • Think about balance: incorporate something from each food group into your meal to provide your body with a top notch quality and nutritious meal.
  • Practice portion control: it’s easy to dish up your plate with casserole or fill up a big bowl of stew and not realize how much you’re eating, so measure out your foods and eat mindfully to ensure appropriate portion control.


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