
Happy Halloween!






Happy Halloween! Today is always a fun-filled day for kids and families and of course involves a lot of candy. As a child I remember it was our goal to get our Halloween bags FILLED to the brim with goodies! I don’t remember ever actually eating it all, but there are many kids that would! Last week, I got a kick out of Wednesday night sitcom  “The Middle” as Brick, their youngest son ate his entire bag of candy in one night and his parents were mortified! Halloween is a fun time, however it’s also the perfect time to talk to your kids about the importance of moderation. Before your kids leave for trick-or-treating tonight, set some ground rules about how and when the candy will be consumed. Spreading the candy out over a period of time and following a “Treat-Schedule” will allow them to enjoy it, but not over-do it. Encourage them to make piles of their favorite candy and not-so-favorites and consider donating the not-so-favorites to a local shelter or send to those serving our country overseas.  And most of all, encourage your child to focus on the fun of the holiday which includes being with friends and family and dressing up, with less focus on the candy.

Enjoy the day!




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