
Enjoy a Healthy Halloween







It’s that time of year again.  Not only are the aisles of Wal-Mart strewn with witch hats, zombie make-up and fairy wings, but of course there is the looming aisle of Halloween candy. It can be easy to over indulge on treats this time of year. Most of the candy passed out to trick-or-treaters comes in “fun size” or “mini” portions.  However, looks can be deceiving; people often believe that since they are smaller in size, more can be consumed.  Calories from Halloween candy can quickly add up.  For example; 3 mini snickers bars pack 300 calories.  To burn off that many calories you would have to walk at a brisk pace for 1.5 hours or run for 40 minutes.

Fortunately the 31st of October doesn’t have to mean automatic weight gain.  Try waiting until the day before to buy treats to pass out.  You will be less likely to feel the need to nibble if you don’t buy it a month ahead of time.  Keeping it out of site, such as up in a closet you rarely use, can help you forget that it’s even in the house.  The biggest challenge with Halloween candy is the leftovers.  After the trick-or-treaters have come and gone we are often left with the reality that we stocked up for 400 doorbell ringers, and only got 15.  Buying candy that you don’t like is an easy way to keep you from eating it both before and after the holiday.

Halloween Treats to Try         

Sugar-free gum

Boxes of raisins

Animal crackers


Trail mix

Fruit snacks


Non-Candy choices: stickers, small toys, erasers, etc.

Halloween Tricks to Avoid

Candy bars






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