
Avoiding Stress Eating





Stress is a part of everyone’s life and many of us deal with it by resorting to food. Emotional and stress eating is very common and can be very detrimental to your health, so it’s important to learn how to deal with that stress to not only reduce your stress, but also improve your health!     Try these easy to follow tips, to help you avoid stress eating.

1.     Tune Out & Move! Turn on your favorite tunes and get moving! Exercise is always an easy way to reduce stress because it helps clear your mind.  Even 5-10 minutes of walking after a stressful situation can relax your body and help you be more level headed.  An added bonus is that it burns calories and can help you reach your weight goals.

2.     Drink Up!  Drinking water not only keeps you hydrated but also can help you to function.  Drinking 64oz per day is a great place to start.   Warm teas can also be helpful because they may have a calming effect, in addition to providing your body with antioxidants, beneficial for disease prevention. 

3.     Eat some carbs. Choosing complex carbs such as whole grains, will keep your blood sugar more level and help to keep you from getting stressed.  Including small portions of these complex carbs at each meal can give your blood sugars a better consistency throughout the day, as those ups and downs can be extremely stressful, and lead to more eating. 

4.     Increase veggie consumption. Crunchy veggies help reduce tension because it gives some release in those jaw muscles that always tighten up when we are stressed.  Eating raw carrots or celery is a good snack that won’t ruin your waist line

5.     Make “good fats” your friend. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods such as olive oil, canola oil, nuts and fish.  These can help control stress hormone levels as well as mood disorders.  These fats also contribute to brain function, allowing you to deal with the stress properly instead of turning to food.   

Written by University of South Dakota Dietetic Intern Alyssa Gehle for

Kelsey Raml, MS, RD, LN

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