Well, another mile stone after today. I completed 5 consecutive years of exercising every day! Today was the beginning of year 6, and I now continue what I enjoy, and what has thoroughly become a habit. As I think back to all of these days, there were no doubt days that were tough to get out and exercise. Busy at work, stress with home and/or work, and any of a number of countless obligations that I have, and that we all have. I made a commitment to myself, and have kept it going!
When the weather is nice, and you can be outside, it is not hard at all to get out and either walk, run, or bike. You get too busy just looking at everything. It is better than sitting down and watching TV. The scenery never gets dull. With all of the blog posts I have done in the past, you have seen places I have been, where I have gone, and a lot of which I was able to see because we reached it by foot, either walking, climbing, or hiking. When you are outside you never know what you might come across.
Here these geese are taking off in flight. Free to do as they want. It is no different when I am out doing my thing. I am taking off, free to make the choice, and go out and explore, and doing things that in the long run are healthy for me. I would not change anything. My mission is to keep going, and who knows, how far can I go? Time will tell.
Things have been extremely busy with work lately. It has made it tough for me to blog at times. I need to remember why I do this as well. It is enjoyable, and I get to discuss things that are my passion!
Keep moving everybody!
Dr. Dan
Consecutive Exercise Day #: 1826