
Family Triathlon

The triathlon last week had approx 83 individuals, and about 15 teams, with each of the teams either doing 1 leg of the triathlon, or at least some combination of the three.  Here are 2 of the 3 members of “Team Reif”…the one on the left is my son Nick, who ran, and by him is his friend Sean, who rode on the bike.

The 3rd member of “Team Reif” is my daughter Megan, who swam.  This was a great event to have your kids, or family members in general,  get out and work together, and all have the opportunity to be active, and have fun. 

Below is a picture of a true “family” committment to the event:  Team Alwin.  Leann and Dave participated, had their kids involved,  brothers, and then parents who were the cheerleaders.  They even had Team T-shirts made.  They had a lot of fun, and they worked together, and all were able to participate in one way or another.  This is how you stay active as a family.  Make it fun, work together, make memories, and stay healthy!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #:  1387

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