
A Running Doc’s Life: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!

Well, it has been a week. Lots of things going on. Started last Sunday with my granddaughter being baptized (the good!), then came down with the stomach flu Monday and Tuesday (the bad), then topped it off with a kidney stone Thursday (the ugly!). Let’s start with the good!

Our granddaughter Tessa got baptized on Sunday. We were originally going to do this in December but got snowed out. She could not have been better. She just smiled and giggled the whole time!

Our daughter Megan and her fiancée Dan were the godparents. They were thrilled! Our grandson Connor came down with the flu Saturday night, and he had been doing great prior to then. There has been a ton of stomach flu going around. Then, unfortunately, everyone started dropping like flies as the week went on. I felt bad for Connor. It is not fun being sick but is especially not fun when you are 2! I came down with it on Monday, and by Tuesday I had to go to the clinic and get IV fluids. I could not keep up. I felt much better after that, and even went to work on Wednesday.

Thursday, I felt really good. I was at a meeting and about 9:30 became really sweaty and felt nauseous. I had to make a trip to the bathroom because of it, and then started having right lower back pain. It would not let up. I drove home and got halfway and had to stop and get out because I had to vomit. I then made it the rest of the way home, and continued getting sick, and Sarah had to bring me to the ER. This was similar to 5 years ago when I had a clot go to my right kidney. I thought this was happening again. This time was a kidney stone. I have never had a kidney stone before. I think this episode came about more because I got dehydrated earlier in the week from the flu. I passed the stone late Thursday night, but literally felt like I got run over Friday. I slept most of the day, and then continually got better. Now, other than my energy level, I feel much better. I was trying to make an effort to push more water already, but now I really have to work on it. I do not want another one…EVER!

At the beginning of the week, even Dakota knew something was going on. She was hanging by my side. Checking on me at night. I stayed in one of the spare bedrooms because Sarah initially did not get sick, and I was trying to avoid having her get this. (It did not work. She came down with it on Wednesday!)

She has kept checking on me this weekend as well! Protective!

She likes to be close and be petted, but she was even more clingy than usual. She was just going to make sure everything was ok. Who says pets are not part of the family? They know when something is not right. They have a sense. I have to say, I appreciated her attention too! I am, and we all are, now on the upswing. Hopefully things can get back to normal for next week. So, there you have it. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly! I still managed to keep my exercise streak alive. I got so achy just laying around that I went on the bike and just pedaled, nice and easy. I just had to move a little. I did not do anything like I normally would have. I actually felt better each day after doing this. You don’t have to do anything strenuous, just move a little. It gets tough on the back just laying around. Here is to a good week coming for everyone! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1778

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