
A Running Doc’s Life: Change!

Change…always happening…always creating stress…but it can also be very rewarding. I am going to talk about change this week. My daughter Megan also just did her blog on change for her as well. I told her she must have ESP because we are talking about the same thing. She does her blog on Saturdays, and I post mine on Sundays. But we are related. We have been going through lots of changes for each of us. For me, we are now part of Prairie Lakes Healthcare System. We are now Prairie Lakes Brown Clinic. I also have a new role as Chief Medical Officer at Prairie Lakes. Talk about change! This month has been a whirlwind. I am still seeing patients several days a week as well, but lots of other things going on in this new role. I am trying to get my feet under me as I move forward with this role. It is challenging, but I will admit, many times I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants. I just need to get acclimated to projects and procedures going on there instead of just the clinic. I will get there, but it is definitely a work in progress. Some days I feel like I am doing great, and then next day I feel like I am just lost. Welcome to change! But change is how we grow…and learn. And if we get to the point where we are done learning, then we probably just need to be done all together. We all need to learn to fasten our seatbelts and enjoy the ride!

This is my grandson Connor. He is wearing my daughters’ shoes. This is a perfect example of change. He is growing so fast, but for him, clearly not fast enough. But he is trying to be “big”. And boy is he active! This shirt is perfect for him. He is part of the “athletic department of awesome”! For some of us, we cannot grow or change fast enough, and for the rest of us, change comes too fast for us to keep up. Somewhere we need to find that happy medium.

Like Connor here, we need to find the time to just think about what we are going to do going forward. We get in such a hurry that we forget to really “think”. We end up panicking, where if we just slowed down, and thought about it for a minute, we could come up with a solution and a plan that will work, and would also help us maintain our own sanity as well. So, sit back, and think a little more.

Dakota is also a great example of showing how we just need to slow down. Relax. Stay by those close to you. Sometimes, we just need to know somebody, or someone, has our back, and will always be there in those times of change.

We see the weather change every day. Some days are good, and some days are not. We experience this every day in our lives. Our lives are just like the weather. You deal with it every day. Some days the wind is ripping your head off, or the cold is unbearable, but then we get a break in the temperatures, and the beauty of the day shows up again that makes up for all of the problems that may have come up that day. Pay attention to those moments. They are the difference makers. This is how we can cope with change. If there were no changes, life would be pretty boring. This is what makes life exciting. Take it on! Be a difference maker.

Remember to take breaks! Spend time with those closest to you. There is nothing like relaxation/nap time with my granddaughter Tessa. This is a small window of time that I am going to be able to do this before she starts getting older…and changing! Seize those moments when they come, because change will come!

Spend time with friends and family. They are a good sounding board when it comes to helping get through change. They are going through changes as well. Lean on them when you need them. This can be one of the “constants” that we have in our “changing” lives.

Change is progress. Change is inevitable. Change is needed. If you don’t change, you don’t grow, and if you don’t grow, you are not living your life to the fullest. Become the best you can become. There will be learning curves. There will be bumps in the road. There will be stress. But “your life is always possible”. Do it! Most of the time our potential is limited by our own minds.

The sky is the limit! Don’t be your own obstacle that gets in the way. Your daily life is not written in stone. It will keep changing, and you need to change with it. This truly is what is exciting about our lives, and how we live it. Don’t miss out on it, or dwell on the little things that come up during the day that may stress us more. Those little things are usually short lived. New changes will replace those things. The script of life is never done. It is your story, and you are always writing it. Make it the best adventure you can make. Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: #1764

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