
Strive 2 Survive! Health and Wellness

The temperatures this weekend are terrible! It is too cold to really do anything outside, including for our dog, Dakota. Normally we take her for a walk every day, sometimes twice a day. But it is too cold out even for her. So, she spent these last few days inside with us, even though her kennel is connected to a heated garage, we had her in the house all day too. She of course had to help me in a meeting on the computer. She wanted to make sure I stayed awake! She is also a great motivator to get outside and move as well. We had to come up with alternatives for working out instead then.

Our workout room is downstairs. We have the equipment we need to exercise inside when it is too cold outside. No excuses! If you are going to be serious about your health, then show it! We changed one section in our garage about 5 years ago to have our own weight room. I call it the “Reiflex Center”.

The heater for the garage is hanging up from the ceiling, so it does not matter the temperature outside. The other end is where the kennel is connected to the outside, so Dakota has heat as well. Again, if you are serious about your health, then you come up with ways to prove it. Whether in your own home or belonging to a gym. I like our own better because it is truly 24/7. I can go out anytime I want. The sign is hanging up just below the heater…”Reiflex Center”! We tell patients every day that they need to exercise and be a part of taking care of their own health. We as individuals have a responsibility ourselves to take care of things as well. We practice what we preach! Why? Here are a few reasons!

Family is number one! I want to be around to spend time with them. This is what life is all about. And now that we have grandkids, life has completely changed. Memories are so fun to make! There is just nothing like being there in real time!

Of course, you have to listen to your body too. You have to take time to rest and recover as well. Sleep always seems to be one of the things that keeps getting forgotten about. You have to get sleep! My grandkids are perfect examples of that also. When they are tired and need to sleep, you see them have a complete meltdown. Once they wake up, they are ready to go again, and have fun!

Connor thought it was the greatest thing to be able to take a nap in Grandpa’s bed! No arguments anymore about taking a nap, as long as he can be in our bed! We just have the pillows surrounding him on all sides to keep him in bed!

For me, when Tessa goes down for a nap, so do I! There is nothing like having her on my chest as she sleeps. I could do this for hours! In fact, I have!! They were some of the greatest naps I have ever had! I also over the last 5 years have really developed an appreciation of nature, and sunrise and sunsets. I have to admit I did not pay much attention before. Nothing like having a wakeup call to gain that perspective again. Going out to take pictures is my escape. I really can sit back and think, and just take it all in!

So, you do the same. Take it all in. Appreciate what is in front of you. Appreciate who you have around you. Appreciate life! Strive 2 Survive! Make memories. LIVE! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1750

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