
A Running Doc’s Life: There is Still Time to Create a “New Year” Resolution!

We are now into the first weekend of January. Some of you may have already made New Years resolutions, and others not. A lot of us feel pressured to try and get something “planned” before January 1, but things are so busy with the holidays, and time with family, that we really don’t have the time to really get something in motion. No worries. The New Year just started. Take a little time to think about it and prepare. It takes thought. It takes planning. It takes creativity. What is it you want to accomplish this year? Even more important, why do you want to accomplish something different this year? Think about it. This is about you. What is it you want to do, and why? You are in the driver’s seat.

Do any of your goals have to do with your health? Do you want to get in better shape? Do you want to lose weight? Is there a race/event/goal you are working towards? Be creative. In order to gain the benefits of getting, or staying, in shape, you have to be willing to work. As I have said numerous times, anything worth having comes with work. You have to earn it. When you do, it means so much more. It is truly something to be proud of. For me, I want to keep staying in shape so I can keep up with my grandkids!

I want to be around for a long time to be a part of their lives. This is my “what” and my “why”. Now, once you have that in mind, you need to start working on the “how” and the “when”. The “when” is easy. Right Now!!! The “how” takes some time. You need to plan it. You also need to start off slow. If you try to do too much as once, you will inevitably quit! Keep a log. Gradually increase the amount of time you exercise. Once it becomes a habit, you will do it without having to give as much thought to it, and you will have more energy to do other things you want to do. I plan on continuing to run with my friends and family as well!

I have my run club family, which continues to grow!

We all work together and push each other. We work on making each other better.

And, of course, I have my forever training partner–Sarah. We will continue to move through life together. What are you waiting for? The New Year is just starting. Work on that plan. Don’t make the resolution be over with right away. If you really think about it, the “what” and the “why”, the answer is much easier! Create a “New Year” resolution that will last! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1743

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