
A Running Doc’s Life: Getting Motivated for the Cold!

Well, I talked last week about the change of seasons, and here we are now really dipping into some cold temps. I am not ready yet. I know it is coming, but I would like some time transitioning into this, and not do it all at once. I was talking to my twin brother Don when he came for a visit on Saturday about running. I told him there is “no bad weather…only bad clothing!”. You definitely have to wear the right kind of gear to tolerate the cold temperatures. Hopefully we still have some Autumn to appreciate yet.

We had some great colors earlier this month, but now these last few days most of these leaves are now gone! It is kind of hard now to get motivated because now there is mostly bare trees! It is still always better running outside, or walking, compared to staying cooped up inside. But sometimes you still have to have an alternative for working out when it is too cold outside.

You can do weight workouts either at home, your garage, or go into a gym. Weight workouts, or resistance training, is still very important to be working on. You can also either invest in your own alternative exercise equipment or go to a gym to have access to them.

So, bottom line, you can’t use the cold weather coming as an excuse not to do some type of exercise, because there are alternatives to do for activity. You just need to come up with a plan, and then stick to it. As Yoda said to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: “There is no try, only do!” So just do it! Nike has something with this! Get out and move.

You have to keep pushing yourself. Again, if it is worth having, it is worth working for! You don’t have to worry about whether you think you let somebody else down by not being active. You have to worry about letting yourself down! You are also the only one who can really work on the motivation. You have to be the one to ultimately do it. You need to come up with your reasons of motivation to keep you going. What is your why? What do you want to achieve? Go the extra mile…it will be worth it! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1673

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