
A Running Doc’s Life: Change is Inevitable!

The one thing about the season of Autumn is that things are changing. The leaves are changing. The weather is changing. Life is changing. We are getting closer to Winter. Change is inevitable. The one constant we have in life is change! Are you ready to embrace change, or dread it?

The exciting thing about change is that it is always unique. Just like watching a sunset, one moment it looks one way, and then next, totally different!

Patience goes a long way in accepting change. There is never a dull moment. One change leads to another, and then another, and if there had been a decision made to do something else somewhere during the day, the changes that follow it are also completely different. Each day is unique, and unpredictable. You have to pay attention, or you will miss something. Something special that you may not even realized was happening.

The changes in the season are a good reminder of the changes in life. I was going through some pictures earlier this week and Facebook popped up a reminder for me…

This one is me with my daughters at one of their formal dances in High School! The one on the left is Molly, who is now married, and has 2 children of her own. Megan, on the right, is now engaged to be married next July. All I can think of is “where did the time go?”. There were my young daughters, waiting to create their lives, and now they have! All the changes that have occurred during these years…wow! Life truly is an adventure!

Spend those changing days with the people that matter to you most! These are the people important in your life. Our life changes. Our work changes. Our days change…but true friends last forever. They are with you in the good times, and the bad times. You get to celebrate with them on the good times, and they help hold you together on the bad days. Never lose sight of them amongst all of the changes in your life!

Sarah and I are changing too. I hate to admit it, but we are getting older too. When we first came to Watertown, we were the new kids on the block. Now we are the experienced ones. Things may be changing for us too, but being together is a constant! Constant just like each morning the sun is going to rise, and at the end of the day…

…the sun is going to set. Sarah will be there each morning, and each night, ready to take on another day with me! Change is inevitable, so embrace it, and enjoy the ride! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1666

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