
A Running Doc’s Life: Black Hills Beauty!

We spent the week out in the Hills for a Fall vacation. It did not disappoint. The scenery was incredible. I am always paying attention to the clouds as they can really make a picture look cool. It was forecasted to be cool, and sunny. But the clouds were out every day! It was awesome with the Fall colors.

If you have never been out to the Badlands, you need to go. You have no idea what you are missing. The scenery is breath taking, especially when there are clouds present. We spent all afternoon there one day until sunset. I was taking pictures left and right. There was plenty of walking to do there as well, so had fun with the camera, and got my miles in at the same time. Here are a few from the Badlands.

We got to see wildlife as well. Up close and personal with some buffalo as well. I am glad I also had my telephoto lens with as well. There was plenty of deer, and turkeys, and these would come right up to our cabin we were staying in. We spent a few days with Tom and Sue Beaudry. We took in the Volksmarch with them, and my brother John, then did lots of hiking after. I think we covered around 10 miles a day for a few days with this.

It was easy to just get lost in the scenery, and just relax. I went out for pictures on my own a few times and would just sit and watch. It was very quiet. Just me, nature, and my camera.

Of course, this week Sarah and I celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. October 6, but we spent the week celebrating with everything we did.

It was a great week, with lots to do and see. It was also more out of season, so it was not as crowed, and the colors were gorgeous. If you have not done it before, give it a try. It was easy to get the exercise in especially when you are out hiking and seeing all of the colors. It was work, but it was more fun. Going out hiking was a great way to see things you would have never seen otherwise. It is another hidden world to be explored. It was well worth it! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1652

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