
A Running Doc’s Life: Fall Motivation!

Summer is starting to be done, and Winter will be around the corner. We need to take full advantage of Autumn, and all of the colors. It is a perfect time to sit back and just reflect on things. It is kind of hard not to get motivated with the scenery changes. At least you can never say it is boring. The weather can be warm or cold, and the colors are just spectacular!

These are a few from the past on the Mickelson Trail out in the Hills last Fall. The colors are just so cool to see. The trail is great to go walk, ride, or run on. The scenery is never dull. This is the perfect time to be outside and enjoy everything and be thankful for everything in your life.

There are so many times when we get lost in the “busyness” of life. We forget to see the trees through the forest. Pay attention.

This is the perfect time to sit back and reflect on things. What is going right? What is not going right? What do I have control over? What do I think I have control over? Things change…continuously. The only thing we can control about change is out attitude towards it. Stay positive and think of the good things in your life.

Sure, there are times when things can get rough, and you wonder if the storm will pass through. Even in the storms, there is hidden beauty; hidden things that we need to focus through to what lies behind the surface. Don’t lose sight of those things.

And sometimes, you just need to sit somewhere on your own, and think! Forget everything else. Just focus on what is in front of you. Be quiet, and take it in. Jason and Mark are on to something with our run club. They were the charter members of our “sit” club. Sometimes you just have to sit down in order to slow down from everything else. The world is fast paced enough. Slow down. I promise, you really are not going to miss anything else. But you will if you don’t pay attention to things right in front of you! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: #1645

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