
A Running Doc’s Life: Grandparent Weekend!

We got to spend a great weekend with our grandson Connor! My daughter Molly is expecting a girl any day now. We were trying to give her a little break beforehand. Now will have to figure out another weekend once the next one is born. Oh darn! You do what you got to do, I guess! Ha! We had a ball!

Started off the first morning with Connor trying to steal my slippers. He came close! We went walking with him in the Burley every day. We spent a good portion of Friday morning with him at the zoo! It should have been the circus because he can be quite the clown!

Of course, they had a bunch of tractors and he had to try them all!

He and Sarah had to give a thumbs up (or fingers up) if they were having a good time!

Then of course yesterday, I had to put him to work helping mow the lawn. If he is going to stay for the weekend, he has got to learn to pull his weight around here! It might have been harder if it wasn’t so fun!

Needless to say, we kept him busy, but he kept us even more busy! Now we just have to wait for his new sister to come along. We all can’t wait. It is a good thing that Burley has room for two!

We all had a ball, and the weather cooperated for the majority of it. I can’t wait to have more weekends like this. Going forward, we will have a little girl with us as well! This grandparent life is the greatest thing! My son Nick just got engaged last night to Hannah! A lot of excitement going on lately for this household. Can’t wait to see what else the future has in store for all of us. Everybody keep making memories! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1596

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