
A Running Doc’s Life: Caught in the Rain!

As I wrote last week, things don’t always go as planned. We finally got some rain today! We managed to go for a run this AM before it started, but it was so humid it would have been nicer to run in the rain. We were out walking in the Hills last Fall during the rain. You just wear the right equipment! If you always wait for perfect weather, you will rarely go do anything. I will admit, I don’t like running in the pouring rain! But if it is light rain, it actually is a very nice way to workout. I have been out too many times to count when the weather was fine when I started, only to have it rain on me during the run. You just go with it. It is after all, just water!

Even storm clouds can be cool to look at beforehand, but you better be ready with a backup plan if you have not gone outside before they really start rolling in.

You could tell all morning on Saturday that the rain was rolling in. You could hear it thunder in the background. Some of the times after the rain, it can be some of the best sights to see!

I am writing this Saturday evening. It is supposed to rain most of tomorrow too. We have run club at 7AM, and unless lightning out, we will be out there running!

We needed the rain. Saturday afternoon was a good time to take a little nap. I woke up after about 30 minutes when it was really coming down. It was very peaceful to just watch and listen. A time to just relax and forget about everything else. Take the time when it is raining to just sit back and listen. I mean, just listen! I have had other people tell me that a “rainy weekend” is a great way to get some things done in the house or gets some projects done you have been putting off. Utilize this time! Plans may change due to rain, but welcome to weather! Just go with it! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1589

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