
A Running Doc’s Life: Edit Your Life!

How many times in life do we say, “If I could just have a chance to do that over again!” We are all human. We all make mistakes. Once they are made, they are made. You can’t change what you did. But, you can make edits. You can learn from your mistakes and learn how to “Fail Forward”. There is a book by John Maxwell, Failing Forward, that talks a lot about the mistakes we make in life. We will continue to make mistakes. They key to it though is how do we learn from those mistakes. If we don’t learn from them, we will just keep repeating them again and again.

Life is full of surprises, and adventures. We need to be more like my grandson, Connor, and just take on everything with a smile and gusto. If he makes a mistake, or gets in trouble, or does not get his way, he will have a meltdown, and just lose it. But, several minutes later, he is right back to how he was before, smiling and carefree. We all need to have a short memory like him when it comes to our mistakes. Keep looking ahead, and to what exciting is coming up next!

Take time to sit back and enjoy what is right in front of you! Take the time to reflect on your life. We all have great things too, so don’t keep dwelling on our mistakes. Keep trying to learn from them and figure out how to keep trying to do things better in your life. Those reflections times really have come to significance in my life. It is my take to relax, learn from my mistakes, and figure out how to “edit my life”.

And don’t forget to spend time with those people who are important in your life, both family and friends. There is always room for “edits” when it comes to those people closest in your life. We all need to keep working on this. We are a work in progress. We always need to keep learning no matter how old we are.

When was the last time you went to a movie? Do you have any idea how many “edits” were made to that movie before it came to the big screen that you are watching it on? Too many to count! Life does not work that way. We make “edits” in our life after the facts. After the mistakes we make. After…We always need to keep learning from those mistakes in order for us to be able to become a better version of ourselves. Failing Forward! I love that concept! So, everybody, keep making continuous “edits” in your life. Keep “Failing Forward”. Keep living. And… keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: #1561

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