
A Running Doc’s Life: Hospital Hill 2023!

Another Hospital Hill run is in the books! The 26th Annual Event took place on Saturday. We had very good weather (rain held off!), and a great turnout! Tom Beaudry and I have been a part of it all these years. We started this event. A lot of things have changed over the years, but the main concept of why it was started has not. It was created as a way to get people out and move! To get some exercise and push each other. We especially love seeing the kids out there. The younger they start, the more they are involved in their own health.

My daughter Megan has come a long way over the years. They participated when they were little and helped me set things up all these years. Now she is winning her age group category!

Sarah has been involved all these years running as well. The hill…the great equalizer! We have never had a photo finish all of these years yet for the winner!

We had good representation from our run club as well. Many of us have done this every year! Rain, sun, wind…it does not matter. We have been lucky all of these years when it comes to the weather. We have run in rain before, but lightning would be the only thing that would delay or change things.

Lots of work the day of the event, but much more work behind the scenes getting ready for the event. It literally takes all of us, and volunteers the day of, to keep the event going. We had the police department, and Ham radio operators out helping control traffic. We want everyone to have fun, but we want it to be safe for everyone as well.

Sue Beaudry is always out there working for the event as well. Thanks Sue!

Jill Makepeace and her brother Steve Arbogast are regular Hospital Hill participants. Thanks for coming out and participating every year!

Prairie Dog was out trying to get everybody fired up. He got a workout too with the heat in that costume! We all have a job to do. Great cheerleader!

And they are off! Runners, walkers…anybody can participate! The goal is to get out and move. Get your kids started early. That work ethic goes a long way for their future.

Everybody is eyeing that finish line when they get to the top of the hill. That is the goal. Finish! We all have things in life we need to keep working on and finish. Nothing comes easy. If we want it, we have to work for it. That is why exercise carries over so much in regard to the everyday reality of life. Work for it, and then reap the benefits. Hope to see everyone again next year. Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1533

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