
A Running Doc’s Life: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Great weekend to get family together and celebrate for all the right reasons of Easter! The weather now is cooperating as well, so everybody could get here without any problems. The girls went shopping on Saturday, and guys all went out to go eat and spend time together. Never a dull moment with little Connor as well!

This is also a great time to be a grandparent too!

Once again, we knew this was going to be fun, but no idea this much fun! We cherish every moment we get to spend with Connor. And, a new little sister will be coming for him in August. A Grand daughter! I can hardly wait!

The family just got to hang out later Saturday afternoon. It is fun just getting to watch Connor eat! It is always a laughing adventure watching him dive into the stuff he really likes to eat!

May your Easter be filled with many thanks, lots of love, and laughter. Spend time celebrating for the right reasons, and appreciate everything, and everybody, you have in your life. Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1470

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