
A Running Doc’s Life: 4 Generations!

We spent Saturday visiting my mom in Sioux Falls. She is at Good Samaritan Nursing Home. 2 of her great-grandchildren were there, so it was a perfect time to be able to get a 4-generation picture. It is safe to say we made her day. It was a fun day, and my brother Rich flew in this weekend from New Mexico to spend the weekend too. She was really happy!

Do you know how hard it is to get everybody to look at the camera, especially when one of them is 5 months old? I had to keep rubbing her cheek to get her to look ahead! Well, tomorrow it will be a day for Tessa! She is going to be baptized. We were originally going to do this in December, but there was a big snowstorm then, the only one we have really had, especially for Tyler MN, so we had to reschedule to now. I am really looking forward to that as well. I may be biased, but she is a cutie, and always smiling!

She had a great time looking at everybody and taking it all in. Her brother Connor was all over the place, and playing like crazy with all of us!

Family! Is there really anything else more important? We met them in Brookings and then took off to Sioux Falls. Connor came running out of the car up to me yelling “Grandpa Dan!” and wanted me to carry him in the restaurant. Of course, I was more than happy to do that! What a fun weekend. These grandkids are growing up so fast. They got to spend some time with great grandma as well, and she just sat back and watched them during the afternoon with a big smile on her face! Never forget what is really important in our lives. Everything gets so busy, and it is easy to take these moments for granted. Spend time with your family. Take care of yourself and keep working on what you can do for your own health. Strive to Survive, and live life to the fullest! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1771

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