
A Running Doc’s Life: Giving Thanks!

Hopefully everybody had a great Thanksgiving, and got to spend time with family, and have great food. Most of the family was able to make it home for the holiday. Tradition starts off with the DASH Turkey Run and Walk. Many of us were participants, including my grandson Connor!

We had him bundled up good, and the covering gave him good wind protection!

They came across the finish line, and then it was off to eat! My daughter Megan ran a personal best for a 5k! No more swimming for this girl, as she is now truly a runner!

Once again, the food was amazing! It is ok to enjoy the holiday, especially Thanksgiving! The problem comes when we have Thanksgiving every day! We earned our meal!

Of course, our WARC (Watertown Area Run Club) family was out in full force as well! We will never be denied a race!

Then after we ate, it was snuggling time with my granddaughter Tessa. She is 3 months old now, and next year, depending on the temperature, she may be able to be in her first race! But she had on her Turkey outfit and was ready for the day regardless!

It was a great holiday, and family gathering. Yes, the food was great, and we went out and ran/walked a race. But family time is the best. I can’t get enough of my grandkids! Connor is so full of energy, and Tessa is the best hugger! I enjoyed that time when she was sleeping and was not in a big hurry to put her down to bed. She can be in bed anytime, right?

Enjoy those family times. Appreciate those grandkids. They grow up fast! Give thanks for everything you have and enjoy it all for as long as we can. Stay active, and keep healthy, and keep striving to survive! It is well worth it. Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1701

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