
A Running Doc’s Life: Seize the Moment!

Things are always happening–planned or not! It is those moments that are not planned that bring the most enjoyment. You were not expecting them, and they just happened. Life keeps changing, day to day, minute to minute. Learn to seize those moments, those opportunities, that come along, and enjoy them for all they are worth! My daughter Molly came this extended weekend, and brought my grandkids, Connor and Tessa. Tessa has been really opening her eyes now. She is 11 days old now. She had my heart immediately.

Connor was busy climbing over everything! He loves the Disney movie “Coco” and wants to watch it all of the time. He stops everything and becomes entranced every time it comes on.

We will have to have this movie in our back pocket and ready to go whenever he starts having a meltdown. Instant good mood and stops right where he is at! Hilarious!

It has been hot and humid these last few days, especially when it comes to running. Nothing zaps the energy out of you faster than heat and humidity. But it sure made for some very pretty sunrises!

I went out on a limb here recently. I had thought about entering some of my pictures into the State Fair, and I finally did it this year. My sister-in-law had sent some of the pictures of mine with the ribbons on them. I won 2 separate first place, and one for third place. I am thrilled to have won some! There were a lot of good pictures entered into the Fair. I think I may have to keep doing this. It makes me stay on my toes when I am looking for different things to take pictures of. Here are my 3 winners!

You always have to take time to slow down and relax too. Just sit and look at things around you. Take it all in. I was relaxing before a run on this next one. In run club we officially call this “Sit Club”! Everything is fast paced, and sometimes you really need to slow down.

The only thing that would have been better with this would have been a cup of coffee! And as I relearn again from my granddaughter, there are times when you just need to take the time to take a nap!

She just got done with her nap. Now wide-eyed and ready to go! In her case, eat! Eat, sleep, and be merry! Be active in between. Learn to slow down. Learn to observe and take in what is in front of you. Make the most of every day and enjoy it for what it is. Seize the moment, at the moment! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: #1618

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