
A Running Doc’s Life: Life does not always go as Planned!

Life always presents challenges. Sometimes you feel like you are cruising along, and then next it feels as if nothing goes right. There are always challenges that come up, but how we deal with them depends on our attitudes. Think about it…things are always changing. One decision leads to one outcome, and then another, and so on. But what if you had made a different decision in the past? That decision could have steered things much different in your life and led to completely different outcomes. What if I had not met Sarah in med school? What if I had not been a runner, I would not have had something in common with Sarah to have the courage to even ask her out? Then the ripple effect. Everything in my life may have been totally different. And the same goes for all of us!

Last year we went out the Black Hills and climbed up Black Elk Peak. As we were getting closer, the fog started rolling in. When it first started coming, it was very cool watching. It was changing by the minute.

We had about 15 minutes of just watching on how fast things were changing. After that, the fog was so thick you could not see anything from the top. People that were coming up after us completely missed seeing anything from the top. That is how fast things can change in our lives too. We started our way back down after that because we could not see anything else from the top. You make a decision based on changes, which leads to another decision, which leads to another outcome, and so on.

Pay attention to things each day. Ask yourself each morning–“What is something good that will happen today?”, or “What is something good that I will do today?” Then at the end of the day, think about what all happened, and ask yourself the same thing: “What good happened today?” And “What happened today that did not turn out well?” Then follow that up by “What am I going to do to change it?” Those changes and decisions are as varied as the sunrise and sunsets. Every day is different. So why should the things in our lives not be different every day?

When we need a break, take one! Just like my grandson Connor. He will go and go and go, and then just like that, comes to crashing halt. Remember to take breaks. Get sleep. Take time to unwind and enjoy the everyday things in our lives as well. Time really does go fast!

When those “daily” challenges come, you have to learn to “push” your way through them. Learn from them. Learn how to deal with them. Make changes and start the next day anew.

Tom, Sue, Sarah and I did the Crazy Horse walk last year. We are going to do it again this year. We may be standing at the finish line, but just remember, the only “official” finish line is when we are no longer here. Otherwise, every day is different. Again, it may not always go as planned, but enjoy the ride. There will be good and bad. Hopefully, there will be more good than bad. Out attitude decides if for us. Make each day a new adventure… A learning experience! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: #1582

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