
A Running Doc’s Life: Family Celebration!

This weekend we spent in Huron celebrating my mother-in-law’s and father-in-law’s 80th Birthday! Not everybody could make it, but quite a few of us did. It was a great weekend. Lots of food, laughing, spending time together. We had a corn hole contest, with the winner taking home steaks!

Well, team Sarah and I came out the winners! Sorry Tanner (my son-in-law). He was going to show us who was “boss”, but I guess we did! Ha!

So much food! The cake was great! Connor also had a ball! He got in the 4 generation picture!

Of course, I got to spend lots of time with Connor as well. He was helping me take pictures of some flowers, and also pointing out some different bugs that were in them.

I took lots of pictures of my mother-in-law’s flowers. You will see them on my Facebook post next week of Reiffenberger Reflections. Amazing! She is quite the gardener! Spend time with your family when you can. The time goes by quickly. Again, keep making memories. These are the times that will be remembered by all! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1575

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