
A Running Doc’s Life: Winds of Change!

Times are always changing. This is probably the only constant we have in life–change will occur! We can learn from those changes or keep making the same mistakes. A great book by John C. Maxwell, “Failing Forward”, is a great way to keep learning from our mistakes. The wind at times this week has been really blowing. I go to the Lake to take some pictures, and I can hardly hold the camera steady. I will wait a little bit, and the scenery will change, and a few minutes later, it changes again. That is truly what life has in store for us as well. Our decisions going forward are based on the decisions we made prior to that. It then keeps building. A decision leads to one decision, which then leads to the next, and so on. One day alone has a countless number of decisions that we make, which then leads to the next. At the end of the day, we can wonder, “well what if I had done this, then this would have happened, and then this would have happened”, and on and on it goes. The whole day could have ended up differently. It can change just like the wind. The winds of change!

My friend and training partner Tom joined us this morning for run club after being out for health issues since October. It was great having him back out and going again. It has been a struggle for him and his family, but he is making progress. We don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring, or if we will have a tomorrow, so we need to fully take advantage of today!

Follow those winds. See what changes they have to make. When we are out running, it makes you tougher when you have to go against the wind. I have told my daughter when we are running and the weather is bad, especially wind and cold, that the bad weather “puts hair on your chest”, and then when we turn into the wind it “rips it right off again”! Those winds of change make us better able to adapt to those tough times in our lives. After all is said and done, they make us stronger! Better! Improved!

Spend your days with people who enjoy the same thing as you. And as Kate shows here, we can all learn a lot from kids as well. As adults, we have to be more responsible, but we need to remember to have “some fun along the way” as well. Each of us still has our own inner kid waiting to come out. That too can change like the wind! So, remember, those “winds of change” keep teaching us something. We just have to be paying better attention to them, and not just complaining about them! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1498

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