
A Running Doc’s Life: Time to “Quit Trying”!

I am currently reading a new book, titled “The Power to Change”, by Craig Groeschel. It has some very interesting points. In it he talks about how we all have goals. Whatever that goal is for each of us, we try. “You’ve really tried. That’s the problem. Trying doesn’t work. You’ve been trying for too long. Trying never achieves consistent results. We’ve seen it time and time again. The vicious cycle:

You try. You get tired of trying. You quit. You feel embarrassed. You regroup. You try. You get tired of trying.” And on and on it goes. “Trying doesn’t work. Training does.”

What is the difference? “To try is to attempt to do the right thing by exerting effort in the moment. To train is to commit to developing strategic habits that equip you to do the right thing in the moment.”

For me, this hits it right on when it came to me and running a marathon. I was not going to “try” and run a marathon, I was going to “train” to run a marathon. That “training” takes months of dedication, planning, building, outright working, to get ready for a marathon. This goes for everything in life, and all of our goals. You need to “train” for them, not “try”. They are never easy. They require work. It if was not a “goal”, it would not mean much to us. That discipline is going to come down from deep inside each of us. We are in control. That does not mean we cannot get help from others.

When it comes to running, our Watertown Area Run Club helps each other to achieve our running goals. Those running goals are also our personal goals, and life goals. It is not just about running. We join together in one activity to help fulfill whatever goal each of us may have. Friendship and support are at the top of the list.

Our group as a whole allows each of us to “train” to become better, not just at running. We “train” to become better people. We have each other’s backs. Several people always have some personal link to each of us over time.

Tom Beaudry has been one of my “training” partners for decades. There is a reason we are not called “trying” partners. We did not “try” together. We “trained” together. Each one of those “training” partners bring back memories.

Steve Hauck and I “trained” to be able for Steve to finish his first marathon. Then that brought us into the Disney world marathon scene. Oh, the memories that we and our families have had because of it! Running was the initial goal to get us on this track, but “training” is what kept it all together, and the true meaning behind all of it.

Jill Makepeace has been a part of the run club since its inception. Here we are having a squat contest before the Half Marathon then next day in Denver, and the picture of her is blurry because she is moving so fast! Who won? Depends on who you ask! If you ask me, I won. If you ask Jill, she won. But the reality of it all, we both won! We have been running together, for sure on the Sundays every week, for years. We are not out there “trying”, we are out there “training”.

Then, of course, is Sarah. We “train” in running, work, life in general! We are in a continuous training mode for whatever life throws at us. We don’t have to “try”. We “train”. That is the dedication we all have to have in life to be successful and achieve the goals we want. So that is the major point now. Everybody, “Quit trying!”. Get out there and start “Training”. If you want it, truly want it, then train for it. After all is said and done, by “training” for those things in life, they will have more significant meaning. I would rather be known for having “trained” for my life than just “try”! Keep moving everybody…”train” for it!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: 1484

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