
A Running Doc’s Life: Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Here we are at the top of Black Elk Peak (formerly Harney Peak). We were hiking up last year, and the fog was beginning to roll in. We managed to get to the top and got to experience some incredible views before the fog got so thick, we could hardly see to get back down. You have to learn how to become more resilient in times of adversity. Everyday life involves this as well. You are going along, things are going smoothly, then the frustrations come on, the stress piles on, and then next thing you know it is like hiking in the fog. You are not sure if you are on the right track. Are you going to make the right decisions? Afterall, one decision results in one outcome, which leads to another outcome, and so on. If you make the wrong decision, what is that final outcome going to be? That in and of itself is stressful. You keep going on and trust your instincts. Trust! And count on others around you to help make the right decisions, and actions.

Jill and Paula were running with me last October when we did our first trail run. You “walked” up the hills! We kept pushing each other. We need to rely on that kind of help each day as well.

Some days seem more uphill than others! Keep pushing. Keeping training (not trying–like my blog last week). “What does not kill you makes you stronger!” I have a T-shirt that I will wear to workout when riding inside on the bike: “What does not kill makes you stronger! Except Bears…Bears will kill you!” Ha! It all depends on attitude, and perspective.

Sarah and I are always pushing each other, encouraging each other. There has not been a shortage of adversity lately when it comes to medicine. There are always difficulties to overcome. That is why when you have time off, you need to have it off, and enjoy it! The weather lately has also been difficult to overcome, and it is easy to say we all feel the same. The wind on Saturday was ridiculous again.

The waves were roaring beginning in the afternoon. Some days life is just like the weather. You wonder how you are going to weather the next “storm” that comes on. You just have to remember for all of the challenging times, there are good days that follow.

There are those days when so many things go just perfect. You just wish you could clone those days. But if we did not have the “stormy” days, we really would not appreciate the calm, peaceful ones. You never know what life is going to throw at you. Stay positive. Keep pushing. Just like we may have multiple decisions to make each day, and each of those decisions may influence the next one, if we don’t keep going, we will never find out what those decisions may mean. I was just talking to someone the other day that I wish at times that I had the ability to be able to fast forward time to see how things would turn out. But we don’t have that luxury. We are going to make mistakes. We need to learn from those mistakes. Each “mistake” is a learning opportunity to be able to get it right the next time. Or at least to do better! That is why we “strive to survive”, more so some days than others. It is kind of like golf for me. I rarely go because I am really not very good at it. But, if I hit a good shot, (out of 80 bad shots over 9 holes!), it makes me at least come want to come back for more! Adversity if part of life. It is your life. Make the most out of all of those “experiences of life”. Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: # 1492

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