
A Running Doc’s Life: Happy St. Patrick’s Birthday Girl!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Birthday to my wife Sarah! It was quite the day, and weekend. My daughters and I were planning on having a surprise visit from my daughter Molly and grandson Connor, and they were planning on coming Friday evening. Of course, the weather changed all of that, and they stayed home. I finally had to tell Sarah what we were planning, and now everybody was bummed. However, we got a call later Saturday morning that they were going to come now, and my son-in-law Tanner was driving them here. Back to surprise again! It is always a great time when they come. Connor is changing so much every time we see him. Overall, the birthday celebration started Thursday night with our other daughter Megan, and her boyfriend Dan, taking us out to eat at Mavericks! Great way to start off the birthday celebration.

My nurse Chris surprised Sarah with one of her famous cakes for her birthday on Friday. “Death by chocolate”…what a way to go! It was once again fantastic!

It helped us load up to get ready for the St. Patrick’s Day 5k run Saturday morning. Now I will admit, this race was a tough one. March 18, and the wind chill is -20! When are we going to be done with this weather? Sarah, Megan, and I all won our age group divisions for the race. (Sarah actually tied with Jill Makepeace, but hey, it was Sarah’s birthday celebration yet!) It finished at the Knights of Columbus, and then we had the pancake feast right after that as well. What a deal! It made the run worthwhile with the cold temps! Then we got the news that my daughter, son-in-law, and Connor were still coming for a visit! Wahoo!!!

This was a great several days of birthday celebration! The laugh and expressions on his face are just priceless! Weather should be better on Sunday to get back home for them safely. The weather has otherwise really been a downer lately. But you keep looking at the positives!

This was the view on the way driving to the St. Patrick’s Day race. If you look close enough, but you always find something positive out of all of the negatives. I think all of the things above were definitely a positive with life! That is the best medicine anyone could ever ask for. We will get to Spring. We will get out of the cold. Stay positive and keep focusing on the positives! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day of New Streak: #1449

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