
Prevention is Essential!

I read an interesting article today that I couldn’t resist sharing with you. According to the American Heart Association, the cost of heart disease last year was $450 billion.  A recent article published on MedlinePlus discussed how prevention programs such as our STRIVE 2 Survive wellness program and our nutrition services we provide at the clinic are a wise long-term investment in the national health and economy.

Authors in a the AHA statement calculated that for ever $1 spend on the construction of bike and walking paths, medical costs would be reduced by $3.

In addition, the nationwide push to reduce salt in our food supply would help save $26 billion in health care costs each year by helping Americans stay within the recommended sodium guidelines (1500 mg/day).

Our society has gotten into the habit of turning to a medicine to help improve their condition, however the key is really in our own hands and mind by making lifestyle changes to improve our health and well-being.

Adapting to a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular activity can reduce risk of disease, aid in longevity, and save you some money in your wallet!

You can view the full article at:


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