
Hospital Hill Run/Walk 2011

And we are off!  Yesterday was our 15th annual Hospital Hill run/walk.  We had approx 200 participants.  Best of all…we had great weather!  Good turn out, for a good cause…proceeds will go the Prairie Lakes Caring Club House. 

Nick after the race…he got 3rd overall…but I was breathing down his neck as I came in 5th.  Good day for the race, and Nick had a good 14th birthday as well.  The race was initially developed by me 15 years ago as a means to get people out and be active, whether running or walking.  Stay healthy, and have fun!  Thanks to all my support people for helping to make this event a success…there is no way I could do this by myself.  Thanks to all of you for all of your help!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #:  1356

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